Dear Friends of M.O.R.E.,
“Anyone who does anything to help a child is a hero to me.” I couldn’t agree more with this quote from Fred Rogers. Our small, grass-roots organization is committed to improving the lives of orphaned and vulnerable children in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
M.O.R.E.’s efforts are focused on the Orphaned and Vulnerable Children (OVC) program at the Medhen Social Center (MSC). Sister Senkenesh Mariam began MSC decades ago to provide care to those afflicted by leprosy. Through her insight, compassion, and energy the OVC was created to find homes for children orphaned due to HIV/AIDS through identification of married couples unable to conceive due to the effects of leprosy. In return, the married couples received a small stipend to improve their own impoverished conditions.
As the program has evolved, M.O.R.E. remains committed to helping the OVC provide financial support and child-raising counseling to caregivers, all necessary aspects of a full education to the children (i.e.; books, uniforms, school supplies, non-tuition college related expenses), food, medical care, psychosocial support, and skills training.
We invite you to connect with us and would love for you to get involved in any way you can. Everything given to us, from a prayer to a contribution, is appreciated and valued. My gratitude cannot be expressed in words for the small group of individuals that began M.O.R.E., and the hundreds of supporters that have come to the rescue of the precious children we serve.
With much love,