It is with great delight that we ‘sat down’ virtually with Lynn Devereux last week to talk about her journey with the Medhen Orphan Relief Effort (M.O.R.E.) and Medhen Social Center (M.S.C).For nearly two decades, Lynn has been a very important member of our community. Thanks to Lynn and her family, there have been many hundreds of orphaned and vulnerable children whose young lives have been positively impacted by their generous hearts and souls. We think of Lynn as a triple treat: she provides much needed financial support; she travels to Ethiopia to spend valuable time with the children, staff, and caregivers; and, she has nurtured her daughter, Kimberly Poulo, to be another angel on our side as an invaluable member of the M.O.R.E. Board of Trustees. The fruit certainly does not fall far from the tree of love, life, and joy. M.O.R.E. and M.S.C are grateful beyond words that Lynn and her family are walking this road with us!
How did you first come to know about the Medhen Orphan Relief Effort (M.O.R.E.)?
Lynn: Nancy Holland, a longtime Member of the M.O.R.E. Board of Trustees, was having a charity fundraiser for M.O.R.E., selling her beautifully handcrafted greeting cards. The Hollands lived down the street from where I live. I walked to the end of the block, and as they say…. The rest is history! I was in awe of these delicately crafted cards, but while browsing, I learned more & more about M.O.R.E! It was like a match made in heaven. My daughter, Kimberly, dreamt of going to Africa her entire life. The Hollands were planning on visiting Medhen in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia in the near future. I loved the philanthropic ideas and meaningful work that M.O.R.E. was doing. I did a bit of detective work, to make sure not only were the Hollands good people, but M.O.R.E was completely legitimate. My findings were so positive. How could I not let Kimberly travel with this lovely family, do charitable work, help children in need and fill her bucket list? Soon after, the planning began, and Kimberly and I began the start of our journey.
Why did you choose to get involved as donor?
Lynn: My dad began a small family foundation, The Page Hill Foundation, in 1997, to teach his children about giving. The mission is simply helping children in need. After meeting the Hollands, Kimberly traveled to Addis Ababa and got to experience first-hand the workSister Senkenesh was doing. After hearing Kimberly’s uplifting stories of Sister Senkenesh and the incredible work the M.S.C. (Medhen Social Center) was doing, Page Hill began granting small amounts to the general fund. Since we have continued donating, I have had the privilege of traveling to Addis as well. Meeting Sister and seeing what she accomplishes is truly special. I have never once doubted continuing to donate.
Can you offer us highlights of your visit to Ethiopia to meet the M.O.R.E. children, staff, and the MSC director, Sister Senkenesh G. Mariam?
Lynn: From the moment we arrived in Ethiopia, Sister Senkenesh and the staff were ready with open arms. They made us feel welcomed, appreciated, and most importantly, Sister put us to work! Kimberly was a special educator and therefore we both had some interest in working with students with special needs. Sister took us to a school where there was a classroom of children with a variety of different needs and our hearts were invested. The way that she listens, acts gracefully, and runs these programs puts her in a category of super humans. The children’s smiles have to be one of my largest highlights. To see how much Sister has assisted these families is tremendous and it all shows within the children's faces. Since visiting, Sister has sent letters to me on what has been accomplished using the Page Hill donations and to say it lightly, it is astounding. She even sends beautiful photos which always give me the largest smile. She uses every cent so wisely and efficiently. I sincerely feel so connected, even being worlds apart! I sincerely look forward to the day I am able to return.
Are there any special stories connected with that experience?
Lynn: There are too many to list, but there is one in particular that sticks out in my mind. When I traveled to Ethiopia, I brought a second suitcase filled with arts and craft supplies donated from a dear friend. Sister allowed me to complete an art project with the kindergarteners at the school and their faces lit up. There were plenty of supplies left over and Sister notified me that they were to save the remainder for special occasions. For Christmas (Genna), that year, she used the supplies to make hats that said Peace, Love, and Hope. She sent me a picture of the children in their hats in an email and to say it was the best Christmas present is an understatement.
How is your family involved in the Page Hill Foundation's wonderful endeavors to support the orphaned and vulnerable children under the care of M.O.R.E.?
Lynn: Since the Page Hill Foundation is family run, the entire family is in awe at the wonderful work that M.O.R.E. accomplishes. Kimberly, in particular, has since become an executive board member for M.O.R.E., and our family could not be prouder. Kimberly’s passion, love, and dedication to M.O.R.E. truly shows how impactful Sister Senkenesh is. I could not be more thrilled that she has the opportunity to learn and grow from such an incredible non-profit.
Are there any M.O.R.E./Medhen Social Center programs that you find most engaging based on your specific donor interests?
Lynn: If you could not tell, our family has an interest in children and in this case, children with special needs. After discussing with both Sister Senkenesh and the board members of M.O.R.E, I am happy to admit that we are able to assist in funding specific elements of the special needs program. In 2020, when the world was hit with the pandemic, I was also able to assist in funding part of the COVID relief fund. This made me feel like I was able to help Medhen even being thousands of miles away.
Do you have any guidance to anyone else who is considering becoming a part of the M.O.R.E. donor family?
Lynn: My best guidance to anyone considering becoming a part of the M.O.R.E donor family is to dive in headfirst. This organization isa grassroots non-profit and every penny makes a huge difference in the lives of many children. The board members’ dedication and love says it all. If you ask any one of them their thoughts, they will go into much detail about the inspiring work that is done within the Medhen Social Center and the incredible impact it makes. My piece of advice is to chat with a board member, attend one of the events to visibly see the passion, and again, dive in headfirst!